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8月 9 2017

语言越强烈, the stronger the culture': Working with the Osage Nation to preserve their heritage

Alex Ponca Stock painting an Osage mural

Alex Ponca Stock, 一位来自奥塞奇族的艺术家, 热情地创作一幅壁画,通过最年轻一代的眼睛捕捉她的文化.

当你走进享誉全国的艺术家温迪·庞卡和亚历克斯·庞卡·斯托克的工作室, you immediately sense the pride 和 passion the two pour into their works of art. The mother/daughter duo was recently commissioned to create a series of four large, five-foot-by-eight-foot帆布 壁画 这些作品将在俄克拉荷马州的wah - zhazhi早期学习学院(WELA)和奥塞奇族的浸入式学校展出. 该项目是奥塞奇族庆祝和保护其文化和历史的持续努力的一部分.

Each mural will be instrumental in telling the Nation’s story for decades to come. 威尼斯电玩城手游们参与了每张画布的创作,其中包括他们的每张肖像. 艺术品还编织了重要的正字法和图像,象征着奥塞奇文化和国家内的每个地区.

“现在, when the children enter into the school, they see themselves 和 their friends in the mural,梅尔文娜·普拉瑟说, 奥塞奇族社会福利协会的主任.

“As they progress with learning about the culture, 语言和传统, they will find there is much more meaning in each painting.”

威尼斯电玩城手游用文字来表达每幅画中代表那个地区的东西,”普拉瑟继续说道. “We also have ribbon work that depicts the district. And the colors that are used, everything is representative of that district.”

As the children grow 和 evolve, so will the meaning of the 壁画.

“As they learn more about their culture 和 tradition, they will see more in each painting.”


横加公司原住民关系团队的代表在最近访问Pawhuska起伏的草原时,亲自了解了这件艺术品及其意义, 俄克拉何马州, 这里是奥塞奇族的心脏地带. 该团队与奥塞奇族的代表一起参观了该社区,并亲眼目睹了国家在跨加拿大公司与奥塞奇族之间的项目社区协议的支持下实施的文化项目.

“Seeing the community agreement in action during our recent visit was exciting,纳丁·布斯曼说, Sr. Manager, 土著 Relations for 治理 和 the U.S.

“这让威尼斯电玩城手游有机会沉浸在这些项目中,观察它们对强化文化的影响, language 和 history of the Osage Nation.  更重要的是, 威尼斯电玩城手游能够直接与社区成员接触,直接听到他们的挑战以及他们对家庭和国家的期望.”


“We found that the teachings from our Elders were spot on. 你必须有一个强有力的语言, 你必须有强大的企业文化, 和 you must have l和 that you claim as your own. Those are the three pillars upon which we build our culture or society,站熊队长杰弗里说, adding that cultural preservation is critical to defining his people, the Wah-Zha-Zhi (the Osage) who live northwest of Tulsa.

You must have a strong culture, 和 you must have l和 that you claim as your own. Those are the three pillars upon which we build our culture or society.”



In 2008, the Osage Nation became the first U.S. Tribal group to partner with 横加公司 as we began consultation on the Keystone管道系统, which has now 安全 transported energy for over eight years. 从那时起, 威尼斯电玩城手游继续与奥塞奇族在文化保护项目(见上面的酒吧和视频).


横加公司土著关系小组的纳丁·布斯曼(中)和艾米·科尔德姆(右一)访问了帕乌斯卡的奥塞奇族成员, 俄克拉荷马州.

“Creating lasting relationships is the basis of our approach to 土著 engagement. We are thrilled that our relationship with the Osage Nation is approaching a decade,艾米·科尔德姆说, 土著关系主任, 横加公司. “What we have achieved together during that timeframe is impactful, 和 we are grateful for the ongoing support of the Nation.”



一组四, 4英尺乘8英尺, 通过最年轻一代的眼睛捕捉奥塞奇文化的帆布壁画将在当地的幼儿学院和语言浸入式学校展出.






These programs emphasize the importance of early childhood reading 和 literacy, 和 are implemented in schools 和 medical clinics. 参加“接触和阅读”项目的孩子可以获得三到六个月的阅读优势.


在加拿大, 威尼斯电玩城手游认为,尽早和经常与土著群体接触是创造积极影响的关键, 长期的关系, such as our long-st和ing partnership with Osage Nation.

To learn more about our approach to 土著 Relations, read our 土著 Relations Commitment Statement, 政策, 策略指导原则,或浏览威尼斯电玩城手游的 土著节.